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Old 09-23-2024, 03:24 PM
Evang.Benincasa's Avatar
Evang.Benincasa Evang.Benincasa is offline
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Re: Was Paul in doubt about things?

Originally Posted by donfriesen1 View Post
Good morning Dom.

I think you are right about what you wrote in that post, and not wrong. This is my Amen.

What I meant in my reply was, that I'd thought that you weren't commenting on the main point of the thread. You had just commented on Paul's main point in this entire Biblical passage, which missed commenting on the thread's main topic.

The main point of the thread is 'why does Paul call it a doubtful thing?' I think it is because Paul wants to show us that some verses are interpretted using deducing to get to a conclusion and some people deduce conclusions on the same verses differently than others. Some verses allow for multiple conclusions; he points this out, right? This makes any disputes of the conclusions 'doubtful', because he believes that it is not possible to make just one exclusively right conclusion of some verses. He is trying to show Man that some verses don't have only one exclusively right conclusion.

Calling the conclusions of the verses of the topics in Ro14 'doubtful', is to show an example of the possibility of other doubtful verses. Paul wants to show Man that this possibility exists. Paul usually does not have doubts on anything, does he? If not calling it doubtful to show us the possibility for this reason, then why would he call anything God speaks on doubtful? It must be because of what he believes of how God has written, because God is not in doubt of anything either, is he? This shows us God chooses to write some things in a doubtful manner, for some reason; perhaps to test Man. This leads to the question 'why does Paul call it a doubtful thing?'

My past theology said to me that God would always be 'crystal clear' when he speaks, to avoid confusion but Paul shows us otherwise here in Ro14. He says God is not always 'crystal clear', that he sometimes writes otherwise. What is clear from what Paul says is that multiple conclusions can be arrived at correctly on some verses, that God allows some verses to show 'not crystal clear'. This has the appearance to show that God has multiple opinions on one topic when it should rather be said to show that God allows for multiple opinions of Man on some topics.

There are verses where only one absolutely right conclusion is possible, just not ones similar to the examples he gives here. Thus, Paul tells us to be aware, to know and watch for the difference, to avoid arguments.

One conclusion why Paul uses the word 'doubtful' is to show us that God sometimes speaks in a 'doubtful' way, allowing for multiple conclusions. Are there other conclusions as to why or is this conclusion an excluding conclusion? Do I get an Amen or an 'Oh my'. My conclusions of what Paul says should get an Amen, but plz show why not, if otherwise, when he says multiple opinions of days and foods are all acceptable.

Why does the Apostle/God not use his authority here to clarify doctrine, when he could? Instead, he says it is acceptable to have many opinions things on the same topic. He doesn't correct the many opinions of days/foods because he honestly believes otherwise. If it is said that he does so, just to teach that doing so avoids conflicts, then it shows Paul/God saying we can compromise truth-doctrine to avoid conflict. Paul/God would never compromise on something as important as truth. Another explanation must be arrived to explain why he says what he says, other than to avoid conflict by compromising truth. It must be because he believes that some verses can have multiple conclusions. It is a reasonable explanation and may be the only one.

Plz say more than just 'wrong' when you reply. It is meangingless to just say 'wrong'.

Also, I don't need to comment on everything you wrote down in this post.
You are clearly totally confused. You are confused with what you would like the Bible to say, and what the Bible actually says. You must only read one Bible translation and that in itself could be problematic. Not for everyone mind you, but for you it is. Bible verses having "multiple conclusions?" That's only if you aren't taking the Bible as a whole story, which explains itself. Since you seem to me to be ecclesiastically lobotomized by your religious traditions. My only take away from your lengthy post is that you are confused. Doubtful disputations means exactly what the Apostle Paul is talking about in Romans 14. Not that he has doubts, not that the elder saints have doubts. But it is the weak in the faith, babes in Christ, who are the ones Paul is addressing. Still, you have to continually try to present your teaching of a Gospel of Inclusion. Where the after life is chuck full of all sorts of different beliefs. Here you are trying to present a topic on how the Bible means different things to different people. So in your mind it's why can't we all just get along and be "right living?"

You have a Jesus who has a broad way and a wide gate leading to eternal life and many there be who go there in. But, the opposite is true. What is awesome, is that Jesus knows His sheep, they know Him. They hear His voice, and they run from the voice of strangers. No matter what nonsense you try to peddle here, Jesus already made a way for His sheep. Those sincere hearts who love God, who desire His truth, will find His truth.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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