Re: Apostolics of Grant Parish/ Br. Lane Creech
Originally Posted by jediwill83
No matter what family does they are still will never change the fact of who their parents are. Calling someone family that has legitimate biological connection is a simple statement of truth that you are acknowledging a common genetic connection or connection by marital bond of some type.
However spiritually, brother or sister is denoted by the sharing of a common Father...and scripture says that if we are His, then we will do His will and obey Him and if we do not than we are non of His.
So if God says that you are only His if you obey and there are things we can do or NOT do that reveals our spiritual parentage, if I call someone brother or sister that God does NOT acknowledge as His, am I lying?
Well, I believe this post just nailed that board down flat.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence