Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
I’ll go you one better. If what is being discussed in these these threads are in opposition to your pastoral teachings? If these discussions will lead you to be at odds with those teachings. Then reading or being involved with this forum would not be wise. It’s not about any of the preachers here, it is all on the individual reading or participating in any of the discussions. Influence is our own choice. In the immortal words of my wise sister Pressing On “you haven’t convinced me, and I haven’t convinced you.” Something along those lines. You make your own life choices, you also live with the church family of your choice. You know what you need, and what you agree with and disagree with. Therefore you should be able to circumvent any bad or incorrect influences.
I think I should provide an explanation of my reaction that prompted the above response.
If someone were to be convinced that the Sabbath is moral law, then they would also have to consider Whether a church service should be held on Saturday or Sunday.
And I had to think that surely if you and Bro Esaias had concern for my spiritual welfare that you would realize that It would not be in my interest to be convinced not to go to church on Sunday.
While I realize that we are not church family, and we are just posting on a forum, still, I know I care about the welfare of people that we post with, and I assume that there is some level of care that we have for each other as fellow Apostolics.
There are some things that are hard not to personalize. And I know there are subjects that are personal for each and every one of us on this forum.