Republicans Drown Minority Babies In Oil Field Run
Congratulations Scott P. You are visitor # 1 to this post.
But seriously people...we need to have a serious talk about hypocrisy.
If you declare that abortion is murder but are ok with policing the world and ending innocent lives all the while saying, "Collateral Damage and acceptable losses" you're a hypocrite.
"Well they are our enemies"
Oh ok...then that "Love your enemy" thing doesnt apply....gotcha.
Patriotism doesnt override Holiness and if God says that shedding of innocent blood is wrong we do not have the green light to authorize a proxy to do what God calls evil in our name that we dont have the authority to commit ourselves.
If you dont agree with that reasoning...that means if I dont like you, I can get someone else to assault you and since I didnt do it personally...I remain blameless....
Remember...David didnt personally spill the blood of Uriah...but Nathan confronted DAVID...NOT the enemy soldier that actually did the killing...
So is God ok with harping on abortion from the pulpit and protesting at clinics but NOT speaking out against nation tampering and feeding rhe death machine called the Military Industrial Complex ala Boeing/Raytheon?
Or is it only American babies we care about?
Is our cause we have declared just?
Have we been given a special blank check indulgence from the Almighty to commit murder?
Quick Benincasa! Does murder in Greek only apply to American innocents?
Im afraid when it comes to speaking out against evil...its always tempting to point out the evil from the other side but have we become so full of bread that we cannot see the corpses piled high around our feet?
Abortion/State sanctioned murder is two sides of the same coin...the coin of death.
Are we called to bring death or life?
Blessed are the merciful for they SHALL obtain mercy.