Originally Posted by Amanah
I suppose it depends on the reason you are here on the forum.
If you are here because you want to learn from others, then knowing that others are here to play head games with you detracts from the value of the forum.
We are all people who Jesus died for, people who will spend eternity somewhere. If we are apostolic, we should be concerned for the souls of one another. We should be concerned with our presentation to one another.
If someone is struggling with their walk with God and are living in deception, then it concerns me.
If someone has walked away from God, no longer believing the truth and is here to resist and obstruct apostolics, that concerns me.
I agree. But there is more than one way of looking at it.
People learn differently. Let's say I find myself studying something that advocates polygamy. I cross reference, I study those references. It all begins to sound pretty clear to me that polygamy is biblically permissible. And let's say that I want to discuss it, and even share what I've learned, and see how it measures up to the position of others. However, I don't want to be known as advocating for polygamy for several reasons... First, if my lady finds out, she'll flip. Second, if my pastor finds out, I'm off the praise team. Thirdly, if my church finds out, I'll loose friends that I dearly love. So, I decide to create another user name. This guy is "PolygamyHero". I come on board with a post that examines and praises polygamy from a pro-polygamy position. Now, of course that invites plenty of critics, as expected, and rightfully so. And as iron sharpens iron we debate it for 400 pages. We look at it from some many angles it's almost dizzying to the casual reader. In the end, I might feel like the arguments I studied were actually quite weak and walk away tossing the notion that polygamy is biblically permissible in the NT church. Or... I might walk away feeling like the position was terribly sound, and actually believe that it is correct. Either way, I can now back off using "PolygamyHero" and return to my actual preferred user name... and no one berates me, accuses me, or slanders me based on my new found conviction. In fact, I can keep it to myself if I desire and move on. I also see how people act when the "dissenter" isn't around. Do they pray for him? Do they talk about what valid points he might have had? Do they wish him well, but disagree? Or do they insult, name call, berate, and mock? You suddenly find yourself looking at men you thought were spiritually mature giants... thinking, "These guys are like school yard kids picking on the odd ball." It can be a real eye opener.
Is it a head game? Well, kinda. But if discussing a sensitive issue, a bit of anonymity might be best. Else one be found truly lying and pretending that they are asking "for a friend". The ability to be anonymous fosters more open and honest conversation in a personally safe environment. Even Catholic confession booths have curtains to maintain anonymity. It's not deception. It's not intended to be a lie. But it is a bit of a head game. But to a degree, such can be expected on this kind of media and forum... if one wishes to ask or debate a difficult issue.
My experience on here would be easier if I chose an anonymous user name for the controversial stuff. But... I chose not to do that. Now, I can't go anywhere on this forum without being misrepresented, slandered, or berated. But I've chosen to wear at as a badge. That's just me. Others want to be able to back off the drama and be someone who doesn't attract it when they don't want to deal with it. Is that really so bad??? Is that really so dishonest??? From personal experience, I wish I did that. But now I know who the haters are and who real friends are. I know who is open minded and who is willing to understand that perhaps I was just examining an issue, or wrestling with something I've heard or read and who are closed minded jerks that will do nothing but berate me over everything I've ever wrote. Even those things I've realized were silly ideas and backed off of.
The haters almost make it a necessity to use other usernames. Because free and open communication without risk of personal insult, attack, slander, or libel isn't a practice here. The haters are never reprimanded and so anonymity and even perhaps a second username is necessary... if you want to come back and put some silly topic behind you.
If someone has walked away from God, no longer believing the truth and is here to resist and obstruct apostolics, that concerns me.
I agree. That is a different story. People who are here and are not even believers who only cause trouble concern me too. But... from another angle... those are exactly the people we might want open dialogue with... for the sake of their souls... and the souls of those who perhaps are struggling with the same questions or concerns.