Originally Posted by JamesGlen
I just read this. Thank you. I will think on it...
Truth is, I feel I am scripturally accountable to respond to this recent service on Thieves in the Church. I either need to amen him like many others, or “pull my sword”, in attempt to shed light on the scriptures. I’m just trying to do my homework before I do anything.
The night of the service, I was awake almost the entire night bent out of shape.
It puts me in quite the quandary.
We give offerings in the offering basket, yet also other places outside the local church too.
Church bldg is paid for, plus a small shopping center, plus 4 house rentals, paid for from church offerings. Pastoring owns 10 rental houses himself.
Whatever I do to deal w it, I want to be entirely respectful, yet prove by the scriptures why i I cannot go along.
Deal is, like many others, they have built this mindset, that the church today is a type and shadow of the ot temple, in which it is pictured painted out like this:
The bldg is the house of God, where the sacrifice(Now of praise instead of animals) is made. It is holy ground, just like Bethel, because this is the PLACE where God meets us, when we “USHER in his presence. The pastor takes the place of the Levites, receiving a tithe from the people Now. Type and shadow. It’s the perfect picture, and many, especially old school, cheer him on.
Makes me think of where in the Old Testament they said give us a king to rule over us, but that was not Gods intent. Im not sure exactly how all to tear down the painted type/shadow picture of the “system”, holy ground house of God and tithe thing. It runs deep in their mind, and heart.
I have a lot invested in this. All my friends belong to this. All my children’s friends belong to this. I grew up w this. I and my wife have ministry in this.
But the thought of listening to one more sentence from the pulpit almost makes me want to throw up. No kidding.
He even mentioned in that service, and evangelist it came through a while back that he was bragging on, in relation to teaching on the tithe. One thing I recall when the evangelist was here, he said that everyone who had not been tithing not only needs to start tilthing, but backpay all the tithe money that they had not paid since they were born again, even if it was a decade ago.