Originally Posted by Rudy
For me, despite the oooz and the aahhs. It remaiins a Voluntary contract making secular government the overseer. There is no penalty for not having a marriage license (contract) in Indiana.
It's a money making scam for secular government and it's lawyers. Some estimates are as high as dollar industry.
It has wrecked havoc on the MAN and children as well.
If the state intervenes in a marriage (such as in a divorce, custody issue, CPS, etc), it never points to the marriag license as a contract granting the state anything it doesn't already claim. The marriage license is a revenue stream, while also providing a guarantee that the proposed marriage will be recognized by the state as valid (within reason).
Not having a license confers no benefit to the couple except in their own mind/conscience. There is no legal proceeding whereby a couple or individual can say "I have no marriage license" as an estoppel to state actions or authority.