Originally Posted by votivesoul
Some leaders at ABI used to teach, and maybe still do (???) that the tribulation period is actually 14 years. Some UPCI higher-ups were allegedly called in a year or so after my wife finished up her Associate's. Goes back to an S.G. Norris doctrine, ABI's founder. It was quite controversial when my wife was there.
She wrote a paper refuting it, but the professor told her she had to rewrite it to make it look like she agreed with it "to show she could prove, in writing, that she understood" what has been taught to her.
Years ago they were saying 1986 was the start of the tribulation. So the 14 year period worked out to 2000 being the start of the millennium. But a lot of folks made that prediction. I have a copy of the timeline of prophecy from ABI dated 1973 which gives those dates. I too wonder if they still teach this.