Originally Posted by Esaias
Following the harvest/tithe analogy...
The tithe was paid at the end of the harvest. The end of the harvest would be the end of the world. The harvest is people, so the tithe would be people. 10% of the people saved would make the tithe.(The unsaved are tares, chaff, etc, not counted as part of the harvest.)
I can't crunch the numbers to show a tithe relation between the 144,000 in Revelation and the 603,550 in Israel's first census, except that is close to a "double tithe" (whatever that means).
I think the answer would be found in the significance of "tenth" itself rather than in a significance of tithing agriculture products?
I have given some thought to some of these points that you have made above. Nothing really jumps out at me yet but I believe that the final harvest being the end of the world, or even the rapture could be part of the picture. I definitely agree that the harvest of agriculture likely has no significance, but the agriculture is a type of the harvest of the New Testament, and the New Testament harvest is souls.