Originally Posted by Esaias
All trinitarians are lost, by Steve Epley. I think there have been three iterations of that thread on AFF.
Remember the old commercial of buying the world a coke and keeping it company? Well, the church became a parody of that, by broadening what the Bible was trying to do. Instead of the exclusive teachings of Christ and His apostles. It became the inclusive teachings of kinder gentler big idea, a new world order. Where everyone is happy, where no one is judged, motes are gently rubbed deeply into the eyes. Everyone is so kind, and as long as you believe in Jesus everything will be overlooked. Come as you are, and by all means stay just as you are. Sin is a given, and remember we are still human, and we will always sin, because after all, we can't help ourselves. Doctrine? No, doctrine divides. You want to believe Jesus wasn't God but had a god, and at some later point shared His body with His god. No problem, be welcome, and feel totally free to be yourself. We are all in a NO judgement zone.