Originally Posted by Originalist
What "actual" crime? There has to have been a crime committed for there to be a PROSECUTOR. You should be outraged that one has been appointed when no charges of a crime have been made. You used to be a civil libertarian. Now you are a Stalinist.
""Section 600.1 of the CFR provides that the AG will appoint a Special Counsel (SC] when the AG determines that criminal investigation is warranted and that (a)investigation by the Department of Justice would present a conflict of interest or "other extraordinary circumstance" and that "under the circumstances it would be in the public interest to appoint and outside Special Counsel.""
The Special Counsel appointment was the right call. Flynn is up to his eyeballs in shady business. I have a feeling he is the one the FBI is after, and it's not about the phone calls to the Russian ambassador during the transition, either. It's about bribery and accepting money and granting favors to foreign interests after having served that foreign interest.
Flynn's lawyers notified the Senate Intel Committee that he's not going to testify and will instead plead the 5th. He may want to start getting sized for an orange jumpsuit.
There was a report over the weekend which alleged that Comey was going to spill the beans and testify that Trump did, in fact, pressure him to end the Russian investigation, thereby giving Democrats ammo to try and impeach him for obstruction of justice. I'll believe it when I see factual evidence. The memo he wrote about the POTUS asking him to "let it go" is a bad look for Trump, but not enough to claim obstruction.