Originally Posted by Jito463
You know, I have to ask. How in the world did humanity EVER survive, before there was health insurance? If it's such a necessity, how did humanity last for thousands of years without it?
You know, I was wondering the same thing about cars, plumbing, currency, and air conditioning.
You are too stuck on this whole insurance garbage. What we need, is to get the government out of our health care entirely.
Well, in today's world health insurance is essential to raise healthy kids and to have healthy adults.
But, do you really want to know why I'm "stuck on this whole insurance garbage"? My mom. That's why. Mom worked hard after I graduated from high school. She never made enough to buy into her employer's health insurance plan. She barely had enough to pay the bills as it was, so she opted out. Because she didn't have health insurance, she couldn't pay the out of pocket costs of going to see the doctor. Any medical expenses billed to her were slow pay. Extremely slow pay. As a result, she didn't have a family doctor. Nor did she have regular check-ups or physicals. She had several episodes that indicated that there might be a problem, but due to costs, she refused to be seen. At 54 she died of a massive heart attack. I feel in the depths of my soul that if she had health insurance and had a regular doctor, she could have had her regular physicals and they might have caught the problem early. Prior to the ACA, an average of 45,000 Americans were dying every year of treatable conditions due to lack of insurance coverage for the treatments and procedures they needed. That's one American dying every 45 minutes from a treatable condition. And the only reason why they are dying is.... they have no coverage or insufficient coverage for the treatments they needed.
Thank God for SCHIP, which was signed into law under President Bill Clinton. SCHIP has successfully covered over 8 million American children who would have no coverage otherwise. My step-daughter is one of those kids who greatly benefited from this when her mother wasn't working. SCHIP was sponsored by Senator Teddy Kennedy and Senator Orin Hatch. SCHIP was originally a part of Hillary Care. After Hillary Care failed to gain bipartisan support, President Clinton cut it up and proposed smaller measures for which he felt he could get bipartisan support and pass. SCHIP was one such program.
So, if you're grateful that kids of poor parents have health insurance.... thank President Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Teddy Kennedy, and Orin Hatch.
As Reagan so infamously and eloquently put it, "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government, and I'm here to help".
Tell it to police & fire the next time you have an emergency. lol