Originally Posted by Aquila
If you care, be sure to find out if the Republicans are obstructing the creation of market exchanges and the expansion of Medicare in your state. If they are.... write them about how disgusted you are that they'd hang sick people out to dry just to make the ACA look bad. Then please vote against the monsters.
Let's be honest about the expansion and reason for obamacare looking bad.
It looks bad because it is bad. Period. It doesn't need any help to make it appear so.
The GOP blocked the expansion of Medicaid, and rightfully so. It was a fiscally irresponsible and bad deal. obama wants Congress to forcefully expand Medicaid to states which don't want to be overburdened with the cost. obama claims it will be 100% funded by the government...until 2020, when states will begin to take on 10% of the cost. No word on how much that will rise after 2020. Even if it doesn't rise beyond 10%, could you imagine states like Texas, Florida and California having to cover 10% of the cost? Even here in Arizona it would be a disaster.
The GOP counters by saying this should be given to states as block grants, for individual states to use as needed. The government's one size fits all expansion will not work.
Also, a bit of honesty is needed here. The reason obamacare is a bad deal is not because the GOP blocked this bad deal. The reason insurance companies have pulled out of obamacare is not because the GOP blocked Medicaid expansion. The reason medical device manufacturers have gone out of business is not because the GOP blocked this bad deal.
It is dishonest, political hackery to claim this.