Its been a couple of years now and I wanted to drop in and say hi to the friends I made while being on here. One in particular that I can not say hi to but I know she is watching from Heaven , so she knows

Not a day goes by that I don't think about or dearly miss my Miss C. (Cindy) ! She was such a dear and faithful friend and I miss her deeply. I don't think that AFF was ever the same after she had to leave. A lot of things have changed since the last visit on here. My family finally got back home and settled in Montana and my granddaughter , who is a miracle, is growing and we thank God for her with every breath she takes. She is going on 3 years old and is up to 28 pounds. She is now wearing 12 month old clothes but is still very tiny, but is still our beautiful miracle that God chose to give us. Thank you to all who kept my family in your prayers. In closing I want to say , if I ever offended anyone or spoke out of turn, forgive me. I am really working on ME and wanting to be a better person that is pleasing to God. I hope all is doing well and may God bless you guys.

Godzchild always~