Originally Posted by RevDanBurns
First off, I would like to apologize to whomever was offended, which caused the obligatory edit to the original post.
I would say, though, I truly hope whomever was offended, whether it was mentioned or not, truly is equally, if not more so, offended at the source of those candidates who made this a story to begin with.
Make American great again? This, and more surrounding this campaign, has made America a laughing stock again.
As for the rest: Seriously, what would Jesus do?
I would urge anybody to fast, pray, and seek the face of God before voting for this man.
Rev, so who will you vote for if, after you have prayed and fasted and God says not to vote for Trump, who will you vote for?
Are you telling me that Hillary RC is who God is telling us to vote for?
When you have only two real choices, and... if you are into voting, then you have to choose A or B.
If you say that Trump is not the answer then we can assume that you are going to vote for HRC.
Am I right in this thinking?