Re: September 24th, 2015 - End of the World (Again
Gay marriage, nor their abominable lifestyles will no longer exist when Jesus returns to rule the world with a rod of iron.
Wars will cease when the Lord returns to rule with a rod of iron.
Ungodly world leaders will not be in power when Jesus rules with a rod of iron.
Drought, famines, pestilence will not exist when the Lord rules the world with a rod of iron.
You will be able to leave your doors unlocked and the keys in your car when the Lord Jesus rules the world with a rod of iron.
The utopia that the Lord will bring to earth is awaiting, when Jesus rules(along with his resurrected saints) this world with a rod of iron!!!
Praise the Lord Jesus and His future Millenial reign!!!
Last edited by Sean; 09-06-2015 at 07:53 AM.