Originally Posted by Sean
You just dont get it do you?
Sean, I see this all too clearly, you just want everyone to believe that what you are doing with a Bible translation is ordained of God.
Originally Posted by Sean
..I am the teacher,
You are a minister, not a secular teacher or professor, your students come from many different backgrounds, there are those who are not comfortable with a KJV, will change to NKJV, or ESV, some will use BBE, because it is easier for THEM. Your job is to help THEM see Jesus Christ as their teacher, leader, and God. He that winneth souls is wise?
Originally Posted by Sean
I choose the curriculum...You would make a lousy public school teacher, when you let your students do their own thing and bring their own materials...LOL
You see, you aren't a public school teacher, you are a minister, and therefore you want your students to be able to learn at their current level. If they are comfortable reading an ASV, or CEV, then so be it, they can still find truth and live for God. If a husband wants his wife to use an NIV, while he uses the KJV, then you have to allow that husband to make the decision on how he leads his family. Keep in mind the husband (KJV user), had made the decision for his wife to use the NIV, so he knows his wife better than you. Trespassing the husband's authority while your only agenda is getting the woman to read a Bible in Shakespearean English, isn't wise soul winning. IMHO.
Originally Posted by Sean
Yep, it is awesome, and they love it too!(once I get them into the KJV, they realize how annointed it is)
Sean, this is why we are still on this topic! You continue to make these comments. So, when my Greek relatives, and my Apostolic brothers in Greece read the Bible in Greek it isn't anointed? When our Apostolic brothers in Mexico, Central America, South America, Caribbean, and Spain read their Spanish Bibles the word of God isn't anointed? You see Sean, you keep bringing us back to this topic, because of YOUR statements concerning the Elizabethan English Bible. Wycliffe and Tyndale would rebuke you for claiming one certain language is HOLY, just as the Roman Catholic Church claimed Latin was HOLY.