06-26-2015, 01:31 PM
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 23,543
Re: Effective evangelists?
Originally Posted by ApostolicKitty
The question was about prophets -- not kings and priests. Nor was it about organizations.
You should know the difference between a person who has the gift of prophecy and a person who is an actual prophet. I find it odd that you don't since you claim to have been around so long.
A person who utters a prophecy is given a vision or a dream for a moment for whatever reason... but that does not make them a prophet.
A prophet is someone who sees things. They have visions and dreams, but they see a lot of things that are coming. They feel the heart of God on the matter. They are sent to warn individuals, groups of people, even cities. Their main battle cry is "Repent".
Goodness, you should see the difference in the two.. We have plenty examples of prophets in the Bible. Pay close attention to Jeremiah, everything he is about, everything he went through, and the messages he delivered.
I think all of Gods' saints are Holy Ghost filled and able to be used in ANY gift that the Lord wants to use them in....
You are looking at the O.T. and folks that DID NOT have the Holy Ghost, then equating the O.T. prophets with the Spirit Filled saints....bad analogy sis.
This "O.T. prophet" concept comes from traditional emulations of super-prophets these days by cowled down saints.
Last edited by Sean; 06-26-2015 at 01:41 PM.