My parents just left the hospital not long ago, and Mom called to give me an update.
My uncle is trying to talk, but it is very difficult for anyone to understand him. They did understand that he was trying to say my dad's first name when they walked into the room. So at least they know that he does recognize and know familiar faces. He was able to move his right leg just a little bit late this afternoon, but as of yet, there is still no movement in the right arm.
The doctors have said that there are pieces of plaque that have broken loose from the artery in his neck, leaving a weak place in the artery and those pieces of plaque are floating around in his brain. They say that if one of those pieces of plaque lodges in his brain, it could cause a massive stroke.
I do not want to dwell on this negative report. I want to believe God that these pieces of plaque are going to be removed, and not become lodged anywhere.
Will update as I get more information.
To those of you who are praying for my uncle, It is greatly appreciated.