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Old 05-15-2015, 11:18 PM
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Re: McMinnville pastor accused in suit of Defamati

Originally Posted by Holy Ghost HH View Post
Let's get facts right. It was the "pastor and son's" personal, for profit business. They used the children of non attending parents(mostly) as laborors to profit a "private" business. So pastor and son are unethical and use the "teach work ethic" excuse to profit. The best work ethic I get is every 2 weeks, my paycheck comes and if I mess up it stops. That's teaching work ethic. How funny the "pastor" can preach but doesn't practice. Pay a man worthy of his hire. That is scripture. So is it ok for a "pastor" to take advantage of their possition of influence to make a profit? This man has suffered a lot because of the pulpit pounding he got. Friends are now shunners, fellowship now gone. Where is the love of Christ in that? Can a man never be reinstated to the fellowship of God? Where in the Word does it say cast out and make no room for reconciliation? Even the man that was immoral in Cor. was able to come back. Not this brother tho. And for all of you wondering; I was there and I Got the B.O.L.I. Investigation and findings. Let's just say the "pastors" were a little forgetful on how much the kids worked. In my opinion they bold face lied on an investigation. I got proof and if anyone wants it just ask I am not ashamed of truth. I know these "pastors" are well known but that does not make exposing personal info right. I was there. So until they admit to BOLI the true hours those children worked how can they be saved? What a shame all of this is. To bad Christ has to endure all of this. I know preachers like to use backsliders and disfellowship meetings to set examples but to use a person by name and tell all his and her counseling session info is unethical and Christ will not deal kindly.
In the love of Jesus Christ and his absolute truth I pray for all. Maybe God uses this time to teach instead of judge. Remember, a man that restores a brother covers a multitude of sin.
I never heard of them. I have a question. Do you have any comment that they were working to pay for school tuition?
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