Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam
In present time you wouldnt follow Jesus just because He had long hair.
Jesus had many opportunities to speak on marriage law and marriage practices and these are missing not only from His time but for the entire period of history covered in the bible.
If it is there go get it and post chapter and verse on it.
Actually, Jesus DIDN'T have long hair. Many paintings abound that show him with long hair, but he condemned long hair on men calling it shameful. If I read correctly on the practice, Hebrew males were not to cut the end of their beards, and their hair was to grow no further than the coller area. In other words, they took a knife and cut it right before it hit the shoulders.
If he HADN'T addressed hair at all and it was proven his hair was "long", it wouldn't have stopped me from following him because his life was pure, his deeds compassionate and miraculous and he wasn't a sex pervert like many religious leaders and prophets constantly cropping up throughout history.