Originally Posted by Esaias
So they ask "hey, whatchooreadin?" and you say... "the Bible"?
How does it go from there?
Now, that's where it gets interesting.
We have had full blown debates (I make sure everyone plays nice) if anyone gets upset, I calm things down decently and in order. We have all kinds of situations come from the "hey, whatchooreadin?" Atheists, Buddhists (most of my biggest attacks were from Buddhists, and Christians) Muslims, Mormons, Catholics, and every religion (and cult) you can imagine. Yet, regular people, people who have never set a foot in a church, or people who were in church at a very young age but for whatever reason never stayed. A lot have been baptized, since we are in a international city I get a lot of people visiting, and from all over the world. They sit down and want to talk, especially if they have been eavesdropping on my discussions. We have had some very powerful prayer at the tables, seen people healed, marriages restored, broken lives turned back to Christ right in front of a busy store. Tears and snot bubbles and the sound of speaking in tongues when a person receives the infilling of the Holy Ghost! That makes a passer by really break their neck to see what is going on.