I didn't say there was a word for Rapture there...
I didn't SAY this verse mentions an anti-Christ, a 7 year Tribulation
HOWEVER, since clearly I have to explain it to you
1Th 4:17 Then we who are alive and remain shall
be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air. And so we shall ever be with the Lord
The part in BOLD is the idea behind the word "Rapture".
The Latin Vulgate translates the Greek word used in the above verse as
as rapiemur,from the verb rapio meaning "to catch up" or "take away".
That is where we get, in english, the word Rapture
The Greek word used above is
harpázō; fut. harpásō, aor. pass. hērpásthēn, 2d aor. pass. hērpágēn. To seize upon, spoil, snatch away. In Class. Gr., the fut. pass. harpázomai is used more often than in the NT. Literally, to seize upon with force, to rob; differing from kléptō (G2813), to steal secretly. It denotes an open act of violence in contrast to cunning and secret stealing. Though generally harpázō denotes robbery of another's property, it is not exclusively used thus, but sometimes used generally meaning forcibly to seize upon, snatch away, or take to oneself (
Jud_1:23). Especially used of the rapture (
Act_8:39; 2Co_12:2, 2Co_12:4;
Rev_12:5); to use force against one (
Robertson says "Shall be caught up (harpagēsometha). Second future passive indicative of harpazō, old verb to seize, to carry off like Latin rapio."