Originally Posted by Aquila
Research the history of tithing. It will prove that it is a Roman Catholic innovation carried over by the Protestants. And it wasn't even fully embraced within "Christian" circles until the 700's.
I have done the research first in my Bible and then in several historical writtings. I agree that if the early church taught tithing it was never mentioned in the scripture. They only taught to give and the examples they left for us were with much liberality. I don't know anyone who is giving on their level.
History said that the catholic church began tithing at multiple different dates (which I believe) depending on which sources you are pulling from. I have seen tithing taught in a way that I feel is not of God, but I don't believe that teaching a tithing commitment is wrong but instead is good. We are not bound by the law of Moses today in his commands of animals clean and unclean for us to eat, but I believe most would agree that if we kept the law for health purposes we would live healthier lives.
I think you have misunderstood me if you have thought that I was saying tithing was a NT command all through church history. I am not sure what all was specifically taught in the early church. I am sure there has been many messages Paul preached that was not in scripture, but I believe everything is there that is supposed to be. Tithing is good, but the best thing is to be led by the Holy Ghost in all of your financial decisions.