Originally Posted by Rudy
Probably never taught to.
OK Rudy and all your fellow free will offerings.
This comes from a new apostolic Church that will be established January 1, 2015
I only copied the first 2 paragraphs and the part about finance; the document discusses some other doctrines.
This is a church that officially teaches tithing but allows freedom to those who believe in freewill giving.
would the following statement be a satisfactory compromise?
The Christian Apostolic Church Universal (CACU) has a toleration policy, which is a unique feature of our church. While we believe the following official stance on certain doctrines are biblically correct, nevertheless for the sake of brotherly love and kindness to those who differ biblically in such matters, we have therefore created this toleration policy.
Although The Christian Apostolic Church Universal (CACU) does not demand or require that its members or ministers adhere to the official doctrinal stances, we do require that any dissenting person be polite, respectful and avoid creating disunity in the church.
The official stance of The Christian Apostolic Church Universal (CACU) is that the finances of the church should be generated thru tithes and offerings. Any member or minister of the CACU who disagrees with this official stance may disagree peacefully under our toleration policy.