Originally Posted by Jason Badejo
I'm a bi vocational pastor. And it is hard. Ministry is hard. But I do it because I minister to meet peoples needs not for them to meet mine. Are there times I wish I was a f/t salaried pastor? I'm not going to lie, yes there are. But overall I am glad that I have never been a financial burden to any church. I have always preached free, and I believe God has blessed me abundantly. I have very nice temporal things and live well. And I'm not offended that I have to work.
I dont preach or pastor because I need a job. I do it because I want to see people saved.
Originally Posted by Esphes45
God Bless You. 
Hey I have done exactly the same for over 30 years, don't I get the same words?
or do I get a God curse you. you stink?