Originally Posted by Roxanne Murphy
I have been looking into this subject myself lately, and I have noticed that wherever the Apostle Paul talked to the Gentile believers about giving, he NEVER mentioned tithing, NEVER told them it was required. He simply taught that giving should be done cheerfully, as a person purposes in their heart to give.
The discussion of tithes in the New Testament I only find to be to those who are still observing the Old Testament law. Example: Jesus and the Pharisees (all still under the law, Calvary had not happened yet); and in Hebrews, written to Jewish believers, those who still followed their Jewish traditions (even to the point where some became the Judaizers who tried to require circumcision of the Gentile believers). Of the things that the Apostle James under inspiration of the Holy Ghost said for Gentile believers to observe, tithing was not mentioned.
A note of interest if you didn't know. Tithing under the law was for those involved in agriculture. The food items tithed could only be produced within the boundaries of Israel. The storehouse was a warehouse, not the temple. It is taught by many that the church building today is the storehouse.
Many pro-tithers of money claim that a curse will be upon you if you don't tithe your money. It is the finished work of Christ that has removed any curse.
When these truths are presented the pro-tithers of money run to Abraham.