The Oneness Anti "Christ" doctrine ....
I remember, in the early 1990's, here in Houston, there were a group of ultraconservative churches headed by some extreme pastors who were killing the rest of the Spanish-speaking fellowship for using the word "Cristo" or Christ.
They believed that those who used the term lacked revelation and were somehow unholy being that Jesus is his name. Christ was reference to his flesh .... They asserted that after the resurrection, and his subsequent glorification, he was no longer the Christ [flesh] .... the Christ died at Calvary.
They even formulated a well-thought out doctrine to support this belief. They sought to lift the name of Jesus Christ and shunned those that used "Christ" in their testimonies, songs, or preachings.
Dozens of songs containing Christ/Cristo were edited and the name Jesus replaced the blasphemous lyrics .... even if it disregarded rhyme or the author's intent
It was their new "revelation", and air of higher spirituality, that brought huge division and problems to the Spanish work especially here in the Houston area.
Ironically, some of these ministers leading "the revelation" were dealing with other immoral issues.
Even today, this teaching is pervasive in many Spanish speaking churches, especially here in the South.
I also recall Bishop Scotty Teets stating that this teaching was formulated many years ago by an American pastor ... does anyone know anything about the genesis of this teaching ?