Originally Posted by Michael Phelps
The tattooing is not even the issue now, Thad. And, believe me, I'm not picking on you, again I'm using this as a perfect example as to how we were taught and raised.
We take things that have no real scriptural edict, just tradition in most cases, and make them "hell splitting sins".
And, then, we take things that have DIRECT scriptural correlation, and say, "Well, they're just human imperfections".
That's our way of excusing our own actions.
It's perfectly accepted in our ranks, and on this forum, for someone to pass on a story that they heard from a friend that may, or may not be true, and we excuse it by saying, "Well, that's just how they are - human imperfection", etc.
I'm just tired of the double standard. If we're going to castigate people over what we perceive to be "sin", let's be consistent.
Remove the beam from our own eye before we try and get the toothpick out of our brother's eye.
you still seem to be taking others wrong doings to create an excuse to do wrong. So, because others gossip, over eat, are Prideful, that gives them a pass to do whatever, right?
humans desire to communicate, discuss, have fellowship, it's something inate that I believe God put in us. otherwise, what are you, I and everyone else doing on this forum??? in that, because we are what we are, humans who are forever striving, there will be wrongs done to one another. this does not make it right but neither does it give someone a pass to mutilate their body with nipple rings and body tattoos