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Old 06-28-2013, 09:51 AM
Pliny Pliny is offline
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Islam and America

1992 Quote from Abdus-Salaam:
“If only Muslims were clever politically, they could take over the United States and replace its constitutional government with a caliphate. If we were united and strong, we’d elect our own emir and give allegiance to him. Take my word, if eight million Muslims unite in America, the country will come to us.”

According to the NY Times he is a wonderful example of Muslims in America.

Now CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) Has pressured the government to remove ads that would help capture terrorists. Why? Because the majority are Muslim. One would think peace loving people would want to capture violent extremists. One would think that peace loving organizations would want to capture those who give them a bad name.

"The U.S. government has long offered rewards for its most wanted terrorists as a way of incentivizing people to be on the lookout. Its success obviously relies upon widespread knowledge of the award and what the terrorists look like.

For the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a U.S. Muslim Brotherhood entity, the fact that Americans would become aware that majority of the most-wanted terrorists are Islamic extremists compelled it to take action. As usual, CAIR cried “Islamophobia,” deployed its interfaith partners and was successful in having the most-wanted terrorist ads taken down.

The U.S. government posted ads on buses in Seattle that said, “Faces of Global Terrorism.” Their purpose was to notify citizens that up to $25 million could be earned for information leading to the neutralization of 16 top terrorists. OnIslam.net explains that 7 of the terrorists are from Africa, 4 from the Philippines, 3 from the U.S., 1 from Malaysia and 1 from Chechnya.

CAIR, noticing that these 16 terrorists are Muslims, said the ads were offensive and claimed that it promotes Islamophobia. The director of CAIR’s branch in Washington state, Arsalan Bukhari, took action and rallied his non-Muslim allies."

Edited to add:
Yesterday we learned that Sheikh Abdullah Bin Bayyah met with key members of President Obama's national security team, in the White House.
The problem? Abdullah Bin Bayyah is a jihadist, affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood.
In 2004, his organization, the International Union of Muslim Scholars, issued a fatwa – a Muslim religious directive – declaring that it was the duty of Muslims to kill American soldiers in Iraq.
His organization supports suicide bombing of Israeli civilians, and its president has praised the Holocaust.
And now he's come to the White House to ask the Obama Administration to arm jihadists in Syria.

That was from an E-Mail from the ACLJ. For those interested in signing a petition to stop arming the enemies of this nation see the link below:

Last edited by Pliny; 06-28-2013 at 09:54 AM.
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