Originally Posted by n david
Very rarely, in cases of severe physical or emotional abuse. Not simply due to a screaming preacher on a power trip. If that was the case, 80% of people who've ever been in church would be on a couch describing triggers and their version of PTSD.
So much depends on the person, their circumstances, their upbringing, etc. And preachers can have very lasting effects on their audience both for good and for evil.
There have been preachers who controlled whether or not a member of their congregation attend college, got married, took a particular job, left an abusive spouse, moved to a different town, how and where their children were educated, etc.
There have been preachers who have used the pulpit to bully, slander, accuse, manipulate, and control. You say that a screaming preacher on a power trip can't have that kind of effect? Especially considering the kind of influence he can have over the congregation?
I know people who have been accused of adultery, homosexuality, witchcraft and demonic possession because they questioned something the Pastor said. Who lost friends, family, spouses, children as a result of these things.
You can't constantly remind a "saint" of their need to submit to pastoral authority, and then turn around and say that what the Pastor does with that authority has no impact.
Again, I speak of the worst things that have happened.
In my case, I learned later, that though some of my experiences were bad, it was ultimately how it warped my mind and spirit that did lasting harm. It's not about hurt feelings, or bitterness, it's that it warps your entire spiritual experience.
Like the young girl that is abused by her father may have difficulty knowing what good, pure, enjoyable sexual intimacy is later in life. So we too may find it hard to separate the true and good in God and faith, from the toxic warped false religion we experienced.