To Blast The Preachers and Teachers
Please take this straight to your preachers. WHERE are you? Why are you and yours not in these kind of forums full force? WHERE do you think the sinners are and the unlearned? In your arenas? WHY are you catering to those who supposedly already know Christ? WHY aren't you in the world finding out what answers are needed to increase your flocks? WHY are you stuck in your own little cubicles and forum corners preaching to your own choirs? WHY aren't you where you are needed? FEED THE SHEEP!! It's the sick in need of physician not the ones who should already know how to interpret the Bible for themselves--teach them to seek God on their own and get in the real arena--THE WORLD. And when you do preach in your churches don't cater to those in the church for fear of your pay check---Preach FOR God and you will inherit the increase.
Now, I'm off my righteous horse---Let's ALL get busy where needed
Yeshua Bless You
P.S.--the BEST place to find the world is in these forums where people are SEEKING answers--use your fingers and your brains.