This morning I watched Morning Joe and saw the exchange below between Chris Matthews and RNC Chairman Reince Priebus. Watching the video you will see a dominant Chris Matthews ripping Priebus to shreds unrelentingly. To be fair, he destroys Priebus and Priebus acts like a beat up boxer on the ropes with no punches to really throw back in return. It's a KO by Matthews.
But the truth of the matter is this: Matthews comes unhinged and passionately plays this angle because liberals see this election slipping away. They know it's looking less and less likely that Obama will be reelected. Matthews, the "journalist" who got tingles running up his legs when Obama spoke in 2008 is angry with a bunch of other Obama supporters because this president who promised so much and made them believe he was their answer, has turned out to be a colossal flop.
This election will not be about Romney's poor attempt at humor. It won't be about Romney's tax returns. It will not be about some stupid congressman from MO and his dumb rape statement. It won't be about Mormonism, or birth certificates, or religion, or who your daddy was, or where you go to church, or what your wife's pastimes are or a number of other diversionary issues.
Matthews and the Dems know this will a referendum on Obama's performance as president and what the results were. And they know the numbers and momentum are against them. And so it's desperation time. And the ultimate desperate card to play in this poker game is the age old race card.
As the election season approaches it's final moths and weeks and days this will be the last ditch compelling argument for Obama and his surrogates and his cheerleaders in the MSM---Romney and Ryan are racists and so is the GOP.
And that my friends will be proof positive they know they are going to lose.