Originally Posted by deacon blues
You all can congratulate yourself for being "principled" voters while being blind to the realities of modern politics. I see the real danger and what's at stake and know that not getting 100% of what I want politically is okay as long as I know something as fundamentally important as our nation going bankrupt and weakened economically will be averted.
Obama will drive this nation to financial ruin. Romney/Ryan have a plan that's sensible and workable.
And they are going to win, with or without your support.
Modern politics is what it is.
Our nation has been bankrupt for decades and a Romney/Ryan ticket is not going to change that. He is just pulling the wool over the American people's eyes. Romney is a flip flopper. He doesn't tell us the truth. Obama is a straight in your face talebearer. He abuses executive orders to hide the real truth about his life from the people.
What choice do we have? Surely you cannot believe what Romney says? Do you actually believe he is going to turn this country around? Do you actually believe Romney's promises?
The people believed Obama's 'hope and change' and what did we get? Hopeless change.
If this country gets turned around, it will only be by Divine Providence because the people of God put their faith in Him and pray and seek His face.
Or maybe it will not turn around because it's God's time to pass judgment on this nation...this world. No matter how we slice it or dice it...the church in this country has become fat and lazy. We deserve the leaders we get because God puts leaders in and takes them out according to His Will.
Daniel 2:21