Originally Posted by Jay
I am considering researching every sin that is forbidden by Scripture. I believe that this would make an interesting study as there are more than we can sit and list off the top of our heads.
There are many sins, some physical seen (prostitution, drunkeness, idolatry and other easily noticed.)
However there are sins that are spiritual and can not be seen, like (Pride, jealousy, hatred and others such inner sins)
It is not really about this sin or that sin, it is the fact that we are sinners and just can't help sinning. It is only by the power of the Holy Spirit that we can live in this world.
a sin may become socially aceptable, but it still sin in God's eyes.
Homosexuals want their sin to be socially aceptable, but even if they ever achieve that Goal, it is still a sin in God's eyes.
If they ever achieve that Goal, I wonder what will be the next acceptable sin, bestiality or pedophilia?