I wasn't sure where to post this. I found an Eschatology subject in the Debate Section but I don't want to make this a debate.
I realize we have several different opinions among us about things like the rapure; pre-, mid-, and post-trib, the Antichrist, etc.
This past Wednesday night I taught the midweek Bible Study. I taught on
Psalm 2 and
Daniel 2. I personally believe in pre-trib and that an individual known as "the lawless one," or "the man of sin," or "the Antichrist" will arise after the rapture so of course I taught it that way. I acknowledged that this was my opinion and that Christians have varying views on it.
There was brief discussion on the number 666 and how this might identify the Antichrist. I mentioned 3 different views:
1. At one time Bro. S.G. Norris taught that Benito Mussolini was the antichrist. Of course he was not still teaching that when I attended his Bible School in 1956/1957. A chant given to and received by Mussolini was "VV IL DVCE." If we take the numerical value of those letters in Latin numbers we have:
V = 5
V = 5
I = 1
L = 50
D = 500
V = 5
C = 100
E = no value
total = 666
After attending ABI in 1956/1957 I moved to the Cincinnati area and attended the First Apostolic Church where Bro. Frank E. Curts was pastor. He and Bro. Norris had a history that went way back to the church in Columbus, OH and to the old PAJC. He told me chuckling that he had told Bro. Norris, "Well, they just dragged out your Antichrist and strung him up," to which Bro. Norris replied, "I wish I had that tract back."