Let's pray that Mr Perry is wrong and America get's it's first Mormon President.
Rick Perry Doesn't Expect Mitt Romney to Win in 2012
APR 19 2012, 12:19 PM ET 4
But the Texas governor says he might run for president again in four years.
Count Texas Governor Rick Perry as skeptical about his party's chances against President Obama. Comments the erstwhile Republican presidential candidate made to a Dallas-Fort Worth TV station Wednesday suggest he expects another GOP primary in four years.
"2016 is way down the road," Perry said, "but I'll assure you one thing. If I decide to run for the presidency in 2016, I'll be in way before the summer of 2016, 2015 even."
[Reporter Jack] Fink: "It sounds like you're really interested?"
Perry: "Yeah, I am. I love this country. As long as my health stays good, as it is, and my family is supportive, I'm certainly going to give it a good examination."