Originally Posted by Praxeas
I am disturbed you would find it disturbing.
Peter had a vision...who was in control?
daniel fell as dead...who was in control?
John too....who was in control?
When Paul was taken up into the third heavens...who was in control?
When they spoke in tongues on the day of Pentecost....how do you think that worked? They read it from a book? They Holy Ghost gave them utterance? They heard words and repeated them?
The same argument can justify slithering like snakes and being "drunk" in the Spirit.
OK, neither of us will change the other's mind here, obviously. I gave you my thoughts on the issue, and I accept yours. You could be right, that when you lost the ability to control your speech, it was in fact the Holy Spirit controlling you.
Now I have a question about something else you said, that you were "expecting it for more than 6 months." Was that the time from your repentance and water baptism, or what? Why do you think it took so long? I have always wondered why it doesn't just happen, as soon as it is asked for. Sure, God is sovereign, and He can do whatever He wants for His own reasons. But if, as I think Apostolics teach, salvation doesn't really happen until the filling and initial evidence, isn't it strange that God would keep you waiting so long? (Maybe you don't believe that, yourself, but I think many here do, don't they?)