Originally Posted by mfblume
Think of this. The sabbath showed man working physically BEFORE he would rest. And that was demanded. It slipped right into Law since it went along with the whole system of self making self improved.
The church distinctly gathered the first day of the week. Think of the spiritual message. WORSHIP BEFORE we work. Seventh day of rest denotes work before rest. First day of WORSHIP (not rest) denotes a SPIRITUAL REST before work. And this is what the cross did! We entered into the death of Christ by the cross and walk in newness of life.
The first day of the week was when Christ arose. That is the day the church gathered in Acts. It spiritually depicts resurrection LIFE before we work, to actually give us the power TO WORK. First day of the week is not a sabbath so it is a strawman to say those who worship on sundays got a tradition of sabbath changed from seventh day to first day.
We see the resurrection power of the Lord come forth in us BEFORE we work. And that resurrection life is a SPIRITUAL REST.
I like this, it's sweet, it has appeal... kind of like the story of the candy cane that goes around in emails at Christmas... But just like the candy cane story, it's not true. What is true is exactly what Aquila has explained at length. That the day of worship was changed at the councils... at the same time that the creeds were established and trinity was adopted. Those councils were not about keeping things as the apostles did or about keeping them the way God ordained them... They were about how to make Christianity benefit the current government and it leaders current religious traditons. It was a rotten work as has been recognized in some of the great works today such as D. Bernard's 'History of the Christian Church'.
I wish that what you have said here were true Mr Blume, it would uncomplicate my life some... but is simply is not. sorry.