Preaching to the choir?
I have been bouncing this around.... I know we are told to take this Gospel to the Nations. But there is also another mentality of 'keeping it in the church'.....just being a rock in my church, and when those 'come' who the Lord has 'called' to come.....I wil be there in my church....getting strong, and able to 'be strong' for others. (I do not know quite how to say this thought exactly) Has anyone else been dealing with similar issues?
I have been somewhat 'riding the fence' with this....I feel that I might be called for ministry outside my church.....and I wrestle with feelings that, in doing so, I am leaning to becoming somewhat of a '5th wheel'.
Should we 'explore' our differences.....things that we might have uniquely in common with many outside of our chuch?.....identify with people in hopes that our presence among them could be an influence for the Lord?