Originally Posted by pelathais
I couldn't follow the video so I can't really speak directly to what ILG offered, but there is a very common human behavioral characteristic that we can see whereby just about any group will become insular and develop a "cult-like" mentality when they feel that they are repressed...
... even "secularists" have this tendency. It's just a human social phenomena.
Yes, I agree with this. Groups that are say, raw foodists or extreme environmentalists will have the same outcomes, in my opinion. I think when any groups condemns and threatens for not living their way (the
right way), it can become abusive.
Abusive is a very relative term and I think happens on a spectrum. I don't think intervention in all cases is warranted or necessary. What I would like to see is education as it is not clear to most people that religion can be abusive. The interviewer was clearly shocked.