Welcome to the Party Mr. President
Kicking and screaming our president has finally produced a budget. When he had a completely controlled Congress, he couldn't manage to produce one. It was an election year. The natural desire of a liberal and most Democrats is to increase spending and raise taxes. They also know that most Americans would not receive that kind of governance well especially in an election year so they did nothing. A whole year passed by until something got done, but not because our president initiated it.
BO is leading from the rear. He waits to see what everyone else does, he checks the polls and then he responds, after the fact. We are on the cusp of a debt crisis and Mr. Obama produced a budget for fiscal year 2011 (a year late) that would've cut a paltry $6 billion. As John Boehner led the way and the House GOP, the final number was still a measely $38.5 billion with the deficit still at over $1 trillion.
Now Paul Ryan of Wisconsin is leading the way on a 2012 budget that is courageous enough to tackle the drivers of our debt: entitlements. Its a lie to say the GOP wants to completely destroy these programs. They have to be reformed or they will ruin our economy irrepairably. The best the Democrats can come up with is Harry Reid stating that Social Security would be fine for many more years. Yes, Harry, let's just pawn that responsibility off on the next generation after you are long gone. Pathetic. How did that weasle become the leader of anything let alone get elected to multiple terms?
Then there's Mr. Obama's budget proposal. Amazing. Something he couldn't produce all of 2010, *poof* he magically produces one in 2011! Welcome to the party!
What is incredible is this: Obama would run huge deficits from now to eternity. The Congressional Budget Office has projected $12.2 trillion of ADDED DEBT from 2010 to 2021 under his policies. Obama urges an "adult" conversation and acts like a child. He wants to eat cotton candy endlessly and wants to ignore his need for spinach.
Honestly, I can understand why conspiracy theorists believe that the man truly wants to destroy America. I don't. I think its blithe ignorance. He doesn't know what he's doing. He is an ideologue who was brainwashed by a hippy mother, liberal universities, radical friends and ministers and he really believes that the more government spends, the greater economic activity will ensue. He ignores history (probably because he hasn't really studied it) and common sense that no one, not even the US government, can spend themselves into prosperity.
Glad he made it to the party. He's just a little late and the food is nearly gone, the cake's been cut and the ice cream is melted. But hey, at least he brought a plate of government cheese.
When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.