Goss: he was rebaptized but disliked rebaptisms?
I have found many references saying that in 1915 Goss was rebaptized in Jesus name. However, in Fudge's book on page 66 it makes the case that Goss issued a statement discouraging rebaptism and urging everyone to be baptized under any formula they desired. In the next paragraph it says he did not oppose the following rulings of the Third General Council in 1915: 1. that baptismal formula did not affect the validity of the baptism. 2. that necessity of Christian rebaptism ought not to be preached or practiced. (They went to 5 but the first 2 were the most noteworthy for this discussion).
A source is given for Goss issuing that statement (although I do not possess the source) but a source is not given for Goss agreeing with the Third General Council. Something seems fishy because I have a hard time reconciling a man being rebaptized within the same year as he was agreeing with those statements and discouraging rebaptism. Thoughts?
You better watch out before I blitzkrieg your thread cause I'm the Thread Nazi now!