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Old 03-02-2011, 02:00 PM
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Re: A Relevant Holiness Message

Originally Posted by triumphant1 View Post
The issue is not one of judging.

A PUBLIC condemnation took place by RM.

A PUBLIC inconsistency took place one week ltaer in RM's church.

A PUBLIC examination of that inconsistency took place in two discussion forums where things are discussed.

The fact of the matter to me is that RM participates here. He has had plenty of opportunity to join in the discussion seeing this discussion is PUBLIC.

Well said, I completely agree. The silence is deafening, is it not? For me, more is said with the silence than many words could say. Since there really is no valid defense, evidently he's chosen to be silent and figure that the more DA & Associates "bash" him, the more sympathetic he is. That's my guess, anyway. And since there is no plausible defense, maybe it's his best strategy.

He said it wasn't him jumping up and down and I believe him, even though the height, hair, and general frame are identical. If it IS him, people from his church would recognize the clothes, jumping style, see his denial, know it actually IS him, and then he would really be in trouble and I don't think he's dumb enough to do that. BUT....by posting the sermon on his church website, he's endorsing it. Period. If someone spoke at our church and in the sermon said things that were sharply against the core values of our church or my personal core values that I was attempting to establish as core values of our church, there's NO WAY in this world the sermon would get posted.

It's all very strange and the silence is very strange but maybe it's his best move. But this is the kind of thing that happens when you grab a microphone and loudly condemn what another pastor is doing. Reaping sucks sometimes.
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