Originally Posted by Praxeas
Why judge others as to what the do? Is that any better than someone that covers an ugly zit? Do you comb your hair? Do you bathe? Shave? Shampoo or use soap? Aftershave? There once was a generation that made it as hard as possible to follow God. Then Jesus came and delivered us from the Law..then came a generation that tried to burden people with rules as silly as not covering a zit
The comb your hair, hairspray argument is always the automatic comeback to this but at least MissBratfield was sharp enough to stay away from that one. You cannot compare the basic prinicples of personal hygiene to the decorating of oneself in order to look more attractive and noticeable. I will say this, if you comb your hair in such a way as to attract attention to yourself, you're headed down the wrong path.