Originally Posted by UnTraditional
I want to live as close to God as possible, and He has placed things within me to want to live. But, when there is no power of God, men make rules. This is now what I am seeing, a lack of God's powers and rules implemented to mask what is missing. And, let me say this that I know of good Baptist brethren who live more saved that some Ultra-Con Apostolics.
UT - you are painting with too broad of a brush.
I didn't take the time to read this entire thread, but have read enough to get the point, I believe.
This is why I hate the labels. Being saved is not a 1-step or 3-step program.
It is a process, that leads us on to become more like Him every day, hopefully.
We need to be aware of who we are and Whose we are every minute of our day.
In one sense, we are ambassadors of Christ.
That is why the stories like the one above, of the Apostolics in the restaurant, pain me.
Maybe they were just having a bad day or maybe they have missed the whole point of who they are.
But, back to my issue with your post. Everyone has rules, everyone has standards, so do not point the finger at the rules as being the problem.
I too have seen churches with rules for everything, but no power.
But, I have also seen churches with rules, that have great power with God.
God will visit any people who have a hunger and thrist for him.
What they do with that visitation is the rest of the story.