Originally Posted by Carpenter
You don't have to work to be damned, we as fallen man are born damned, that is why grace is so amazing...The OP church would be 1000000x more powerful if they truly understood the concept of Grace and the fact that we are all morally bankrupt...
Originally Posted by Socialite
Few of them believe fully in Original Sin, or any shade or spectrum of total depravity. This may undermine their view of both sin and grace.
I think you guys are making too much of my post, which is a generalization, the point being that no matter what we do, God is solely the source of our salvation, not our works. If we end up in heaven it will not be because we "earned" it. On the flip side if we end up in hell, in a real sense it is because of our "works" namely sins we comitted.
I do believe that man is a sinner, depraved, lost, etc.
I don't fully accept the doctrines of Adamic sin and total depravity, because if they are followed to their most consistent logical conclusion, the the infant who dies, despite having no sin of his own, is damned to hell because he is responsible for Adam's sin, and was totally depraved.