In the time I have viewed and then posted on AFF, it has come to my attention that some rules apply here that apply in the church as a whole. Please check me if i am wrong.
1. Not every Apostolic is in the UPC and neither is everyone in the UPC Apostolic. (Same applies to AFF)
2. The term "Apostolic" is loosely defined and it's definition often seems to be up to the presenter.
3. Most, but not all, of the people who call themselves "Apostolic" do not accept a full blown Trinity of Three Persons manifested in Three Personalities who can have consultation and communion. The people who term themselves "Apostolic Pentecostal" tend to hold to a "Oneness" of God rather than a plurality.
4. The vast majority of members see the Day of Pentecost and
Acts 2:38 as the pivotal moment of the church. There is debate as to whether salvation is complete with the repentance, is only completed by receiving the Holy Ghost, or some who sort of muddle in-between.
5. There is a GREAT variety of interpretation of lifestyle issues. Some see them as doctrine to be carried out in exacting manner. Others see them as principles to guide current choice-making.
6. Sadly, a large number seem to be concerned with what OTHER people think of what they think. It would seem to peer pressure, popularity, power, prestige, and plain old greed tend to influence some "scriptural" stances---ON BOTH SIDES.
7. Lastly, a large number from various factions, look very much to the external. Those of a more strict viewpoint look for things that make one look or act "Apostolic" and laud those items. The other faction looks for those exact same issues and condemn them as legalistic.
Is my assessment right?