Seascapes regarding big oil and food prices.
People outside of the food industry, oil industry and that have no economics classes blame foodprice increases on big oil companies.
A little about big oil. Big offshore driling rigs cost 40 million dollars. Little oil can't afford them
Drilliing a well can easily cost 15 million dolllars. Little oil can drill the 200,ooo dollar wells.
Test for seascapes. Rank the top 3 causes for higher food costs.
1 drought and heat in Russia and wheat crop failure
2 Floods in asia
3 Lower crops in Brazil
4 Higher numbers of acres in Brazil given for cane for ethanol
5 EPA fines and new restrictive mandates
6 Drop in the value of the dollar due to 1 trillion dollar deficits
7 Obama killing the sale of offshore leases
8 Obama stopping all drilling permits in the Golf of mexico
9 Flooding in Austrialia
10 Frosts killing crops in South America
11 Bad weather in Canadia during planting season
12 Pushing an increase in ethanol consumption
13 Venezuela dictator taking control of American Oil companies like Obama seized the 2 car builders.
14 Out of control leftists shutting off the water to crop lands in California.
Please explain your top 3 choices.