Originally Posted by Aquila
I don't think those that have "dabbled" can be labeled gay. There appears to be a line that once crossed makes it near impossible to cross back over... or there might be a biological component.
Please note, if it is discovered that there is a biological component, it doesn't justify the behavior. It just shows the effect of the original sin on our flesh. We're constantly at war with our flesh and it's biological, hormonal, and chemical processes. To me, it's just science proving that gays battle the flesh.
Actually you are 100% wrong again. You babble and don't know behavioral research. Much gay research is bad because of politically correct issues.
Masters and Johnson used the 10% number for the percent of population being gay. They defined gay as having had gay sex. The research you cherish was riddled with bad methods but accepted by the gay apologists.
They actually questioned prisoners which have a higher percent gay than poPulation outside of jails. A lot of guys in jail have had sex there. He labels them as gay.
The gay agenda is full of lies from both claims and research.
Christains know it and vote against the unsacred gay agenda.